Thursday, June 17, 2010


Motivating employees is the primary focus of every manager and business executives in today’s highly challenging business world. The competition landscape in the business community is so heated that without properly motivating your employees to bring out their best, you will be sure of closing shop sooner or later.

Employee motivation techniques are not mathematics and have no formula that can be applied to get automatic result. Employee motivation technique is different thing to different people. What motivates my employees may not be enough incentive to motivate your company. What you are about reading here are all what has worked for me in my company.


Below are tips on how to motivate your employees:

Adding value to their overall lifestyle: I ended up motivating the sales team of my staff to grow our sales by over 47% in the last quarter of last year simply by inviting speakers to give them lectures on personal finance and show them ways to make investments and grow their money. They felt that I have their personal welfare at heart and this made them to work even harder to kinda repay me for adding value to their live. You see, you can’t beat this kind of motivation for employees. If you were to be one of my employees, wouldn’t you rather give in your best for the betterment of my business? I bet your standard answer will be ‘surely I will’.

Wetting their appetite for success: making your employees feel what it tastes like to be successful is a powerful way of motivating them to give in their best even at their own detriment (this shouldn’t be the case anyways, as you are meant to ensure the safety of your employees). My method is to regularly distribute books written by success people in their respective careers discussing the obstacles they met and how they were able to handle them. Some of my favourite authors are: Ben Carson, Zig Ziglar, Robert Schuller, and Robert Kiyosaki. I remember a member of my restaurant staff developing reading habit after reading ‘gifted hands by Ben Carson’. This is a powerful employee motivation technique that you too can employ to work in your favour as far as motivating your employees is concern.

Setting a realistic goal: goals are what you need to spark up the sleeping giant in people. Care should be taken here not to set a too high goal that is unrealistic. Unrealistic goals will only dampen the motivation of employees further.
365 Ways to Motivate and Reward Your Employees Every Day: With Little or No Money   Make Their Day! Employee Recognition That Works - 2nd Edition    Best Practices: Motivating Employees: Bringing Out the Best in Your People   1001 Ways to Energize Employees  Search for employee motivation
Show interest in their personal life: Ask them about their family members when before they resume duty in the morning. Make them feel you care so much about them and they will surely repay you back in the same coin.

Employee motivation techniques are methods of motivating employees into bringing out in them and make them burst with motivation.

Like I said before, you can tweak these suggestions a bit to give you the desired result as what work for me may not work for you.

To the motivation of your employees!

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